My Page - For Children and Young People at Mosaic
At Mosaic we are committed to creating an environment where you know that everyone is working to keep you safe, supported, happy and well. We want you to feel supported to know about your human rights and what to do when something feels wrong. We will also make it easy for you to give us feedback.
This space is for you.
Getting Help
Sometimes we need some help. If you need help or someone you know needs help you can talk to a trusted person or click here for information on who you can contact.
Your Rights
We all have rights and understanding these are very important. We all have the right to be safe and to be respected. Below you will find some more information on your rights.
Our Responsibilities
Mosaic has a responsibility to keep you safe and help you enjoy your life. We take this responsibility seriously and have built it into our policies and practices, which you can see in the following documents.
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Click here to read Mosaic’s Easy Read Compliments and Complaints Policy.
Click here to go to Mosaic’s Compliments and Complaints Policy.
Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Standards: Find out more about this by viewing this Poster or reading the Easy Read Document from the Tasmanian Government.
Strong Families, Safe Kids: Remember that if you are concerned about a child or young person, even if you are unsure, you can call the Strong Families Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line on 1800 000 123 for advice.
Office of the Independent Regulator (OIR) - Find our more about what the OIR does to help keep you safe, and find some more resources to help you.
Tasmania’s Reportable Conduct Scheme: Learn more about what we need to do if we report something.
Mosaic’s Child Safe Officers
At Mosaic, Ali and Amy are your safe people when you feel scared or worried. They are here for you to talk to, Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm.
Ali Horner
General Manager, Operations
Mosaic child safe officer
Contact Ali: 6244 9481
Amy Siggins
Senior Manager, Children’s Services
Mosaic child safe officer
Contact Amy: 6244 9483
Request a call or email back from one of our Child Safe Officers.
If it is an emergency, please don’t wait. Call the police on 000.
Resources for you
We want you to know that you can always talk to us if you have a question or want to know more about something. We have provided some resources below that you might find helpful.
If you are looking for a resource but can’t find it, please let us know. This webpage is for you, and we want to make sure that it has the sort of information you may be interested in and want to know about.
Kids Helpline: Call Kids HelpLine 1800 55 1800 to speak to a counsellor, or use their WebChat Counselling.
Let Mosaic know how you feel: Find out about how you can make a complaint to Mosaic, or to let us know if things are going well.
You can call 6244 9444 (dial 6 to speak to a member of our Quality & Safeguarding Team).
Email us at
Fill out our online Feedback Form.
Staying Safe Online: Find our how you can stay safe online:
Find Help Tas: If you’re not seeing something that you think could be useful, click here to go to Find Help Tas, where there are many more resources for you.
Find an Advocate: Advocates are people that help you to stand up for your rights. Some people who can help you with this are:
Child Advocates - for Children and Young People in Out of Home Care.
ACD Tas - for children and young people living with a disability.
Australian Childhood Foundation: The Australian Childhood Foundation is a not-for-profit dedicated to supporting children and young people.
CREATE Foundation: CREATE Foundation is an organisation that supports you to have a voice as a child or young person in out of home care.
Your Engagement Place: Your Engagement Place (YEP!) is your invitation to engage with the Commission for Children and Young People and have your voice heard about the things that are important to you.
Anything Can Happen: Find out more about your education options at Anything Can Happen.
Remember that if you are concerned about a child or young person, even if you are unsure, you can call the Strong Families Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line on 1800 000 123 for advice.